
I have an extensive professional history as a researcher in nursing, health, gender, race, and digital technologies. I am an honorary Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences- Te Ara Hauora A Pūtaiao at Auckland University of Technology. I recently completed a three-year Vice-Chancellor’s Fellowship at RMIT University, based in the School of Art, where I investigated the relationship between art and health, and I continue to teach a subject there with my colleagues Dr Alan Hill and Jody Haines, Creative practice in place: Working on unceded lands.

My research is an integral part of my consulting and facilitation, as my focus is always to create ways recognise genuine expertise and the work of others in the field. In a world where many truths abound, I find that academic research, despite its limitations, is more important than ever in supplementing community-based and lived-experience knowledge in the cultural domain.

You’ll find more about my research projects below. If you are developing a research project and think that my skills might be useful to you, please get in touch via the contact page.